Today,we know that India is engaged in building World Class Infrastructure,Green Offices,World Class Roads for Sustainable Development because these are the priorities of our government,but had our government ever focused on building the world class or ideal police stations? Police Station is a life support system of police organization and without focusing on the quality and nature of services ,our police stations are delivering,government can not control crime in an effective manner,government can’t succeed in building trustworthy relationship between police and people without reforming working process of police stations and most importantly,the whole system of police organization will be collapsed with the negligence of giving importance to police stations and the same is happening in Uttar Pradesh.Police Station is working as a private office of the political interference in Uttar Pradesh.If police stations are being sold in Uttar Pradesh,then making a deal for the life of an innocent person is not a surprise for anybody.Government can’t make a policeman as a statue wearing police uniform without having ethics and values ,which he was taught during the time of training.There is an urgent need to bring reforms in the whole concept,on which the theory of the establishment of police station was made.Police station should not become a place of fear and danger,and for that government has to teach a moral lesson to every policeman,about how to behave with a person,who come to register an FIR.On the one hand,directions were issued to certain district police departments to not register cases on all complaints and on the other hand,in Law and Order review meeting,which is covered by the media,Chief Minister gives directions to police officials to register every complaint.
Environment of police station should be friendly and cooperating and for that government should fulfill the basic needs of police station,because working in an environment where your basic requirements are not fulfilled is working on a place with having a very less amount of oxygen in the air.Police stations should be equipped with best technology and modern weapons,so that policeman should be confident of delivering a kind of result,which a common man do expect from him.How long will government continue to make a joke by providing .303 rifle to a policeman,who in the current scenario is expecting to fight with hard core criminals and terrorists?We have heard that the police stations would be provided solar power to meet their energy requirements,but here the question arises,if the government is not providing them the sufficient stationery material,which is used by them on daily basis,then how could government provide them solar power?”Thana Diwas” and “Janta Darbar” are just the concepts laid down on the paper,but the elected government and police administration failed in implementing this ambitious plan on the ground and the major cause of the failure is the lack of accountability,commitment and responsibility in Senior Police Officers and government.If some policemen do good work,then they are like the drops of water in desert.A decision has been taken recently by Uttar Pradesh Government,that from constable to inspector,each police personnel will be provided a permanent number,by which he is identified and it would not be change during the time of service.It is a good decision,but alongwith that decision,government should also connect each police station with a web network,so that the process of passing and receiving information at the time of investigation becomes easy.Today,the state intelligence agencies are paralysed with the kind of technology ,equipments and kind of expertise which they have.Police stations play a crucial role in intelligence gathering and a very important and core element of that activity is Beat Policing,but beat policing has become the weakest factor of police organization.Common man plays a key role in intelligence gathering,but common man will only help,when he is given due respect and due response at the police station.
Working hours of policeman is not fixed.The police here is perhaps the only department where a station officer is on 24-hour duty and usually 365 days a year.How can you expect them to be compassionate,respectful,attentive and thoroughly professional in such situation? And after that,their accountability is also not fixed,and the CM’s announcement that no police officer,even at the police station level,will be transferred until absolutely necessary built a shield around the juniors and robbed the seniors of the power to punish when necessary.So,the government’s policy is responsible for making police station - dumb,deaf and mute spectator in most of the incidents.Police stations are those pillars on which the police organization stand,but every criminal incident,which happens in police station,whether rape of a minor girl,death by the torture of police,unfriendly behaviour with senior citizens and women,make a new crack in the pillar.Will that time come,when we feel the same for the policeman as we do for the army jawan? I think that time will never come if the government doesn’t bring police reforms.
Brilliant artical..I agreed with you & have a big plan to implement technology stuff within the system but unfortunately don’t know how to approach correctly...really something need to be done & for sure it will be done sooner or later..
this is true. today no one wants to go to police station their is a fear related with police stations. police men are also responsible for it. there is no fees for filing a fir but when we file a fir policeman takes some fixed money from us which is indirectly a bribe. the environment also inspires a person in his work. the police stations should be airy and the outside of th e stations should be full of plants which is helpful to give a person full energy.
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